Staff Spotlight:
Renee Ignjatovic, PTA

Welcome to our first of many staff spotlights of our amazing providers here at Dan Wyand PT and Associates. Our first spotlight is on our Physical Therapy Assistant, Renee Ignjatovic out of our Lyndonville clinic. We interviewed Renee to shed some light who she is beyond the office:
What is your specialty at Dan Wyand PT?
My specialty is STM (Soft Tissue Mobilization), but I also enjoy working with ‘geriatric athletes’ and balance work.
What led you into coming to work at Dan Wyand PT?
Hmm, I couldn’t decide between nursing or PT. I went to nursing school first but kept thinking about PT/AT (physical therapy/athletic training). I decided to transfer to PTA school, and just loved it.
What is your favorite food?
I love to eat (I know it doesn’t look like it). I wouldn’t turn down a steak and potato dinner…but I also love spaghetti!
What are 3 hobbies?
My main hobby is gymnastics. I eat, sleep and breathe it! I have been that way since I can remember. I coach 4-5 times days per week. I also really enjoy hiking and started getting into bouldering with my daughter! It is so fun to climb, I enjoy the challenge. I also love to garden. I find it therapeutic.
What is one thing you hope to do in your life that you haven’t done yet?
I’d love to travel and explore other countries.