Dan Wyand, PT & Associates offers aquatic therapy services in the pool provided by NVRH, located at Northern Physical Therapy in Lyndonville, VT. Aquatic therapy is performed under the direction of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant from our clinics.

Aquatic therapy offers low impact strengthening, flexibility, range of motion and conditioning.

A pool program can provide your body with unique treatment to manage your individual condition, due to the buoyant properties of water.

Water submersion greatly minimizes the forces of gravity, reducing stress on our joints and soft tissues. Pain can be well managed, and sometimes completely eliminated when entering an aquatic environment. Water submersion improves one’s tolerance to movement and exercise, that may not be tolerated on land.

Aquatics works well for any patient that is overweight, suffering from severe or acute pain, post-surgical conditions, arthritis, fibromyalgia or muscle pain problems, and/or patients struggling with weight bearing activities (i.e. pain with walking, running or standing).

Once your physical therapy goals have been met, a customized pool program can be provided to you by your therapist for long-term use.

Balance is one of the cornerstones of movement.  

Balance retraining is a method of treatment utilized across a broad spectrum of conditions.  Virtually every condition involving the trunk and/or lower body will require balance  retraining.  Our providers will provide you with a comprehensive balance retraining program designed to incorporate the entire body as a unit and boost your confidence in daily activities.  

Our clinic will provide a concussion management program post head injury. This process will include evaluation consisting of vestibular and ocular testing as well as neurocognitive testing utilizing the IMPACT computer test. Also we will address external factors such as sleep, modifications at school, and daily tasks that will help in the management of the patients symptoms. Once the patient is able to increase activity (both physically and mentally) we will develop a return to learn and play program working in conjunction with the patients Primary Care Provider.​

Dry needling is based on the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems. By strategically placing needles in painful areas of the body, it can create local and systemic therapeutic effects.

Used in combination with other rehabilitative treatments it can effectively identify and treat painful neuromuscular conditions in any area of the body.

Ryan Farley, ATC, CEAS-1 provides ergonomic evaluations for local organizations in the Northeast Kingdom. 

Ryan is specially trained to assess the ergonomic structure of your office environment, ensuring that your employees are safe and comfortable while performing their jobs. 

Following the evaluation, Ryan will provide a detailed report of his findings and make suggestions to help maximize production and decrease the potential for work-related injury.

All too often life gets away from us and before we know it, even the simplest movements are no longer simple.  Our providers have a fully functioning gym to their disposal to offer a comprehensive conditioning program designed to your needs.  Our providers also understand that everyone comes in starting at a different level of conditioning.  We are able to meet you at your current level and build at a pace that is specific to your condition.  

Physical Therapists at our clinics provide numerous skilled “hands-on” treatments to assist you in eliminating pain, increasing range of motion, improving functional movement and putting your body back in motion. Each year our therapists take extensive hands on training to provide you with best support possible in your physical recovery.

Some of the manual techniques our therapists specialize in include:

  • McKenzie Back and Neck Techniques
  • Cranio-Sacral Techniques
  • Soft Tissue Mobilization
  • Muscle Energy Techniques
  • Strain/Counter Strain Techniques
  • Postural Restoration
  • Maitland Back and Neck Techniques

Neurological disorders can present many challenges and loss of function including decreased balance, weakness, falls, postural changes, reflex changes and limitations in gait and self-care. Some neurological changes are sudden while others are progressive and happen over time. Our team of specialists can support you at any stage of your neurological diagnosis from initial onset, through stages of progression to end stage.

Physical therapy treatment can make a big difference in your recovery and management of your disease and can also be important in training family and caregivers in how they can provide you support.

Neuro-rehabilitation includes physical therapy services in the area of:

  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA or stroke)
  • Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Cerebral Palsy (CP)
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Stiff Person’s Syndrome
  • Gullian-Barre Syndrome

Dan Wyand Physical Therapy & Associates is affiliated with Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital (NVRH) and provides inpatient rehabilitation services to people in the hospital setting receiving care on the Medical Surgical Unit and in the Intensive Care Unit. The rehabilitation team works closely with doctors, nurses, case managers, respiratory therapists and pastoral care services to provide you the highest quality care with a team approach on your road to recovery.

In the hospital setting, we treat people with medical conditions, as well as people who are recovering from orthopedic surgery such as a total hip replacement or total knee replacement. We work closely with area orthopedic surgeons, as well as with the Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital medical team who send patients to our hospital for our rehabilitation SWING program.

In our SWING program, patients receive intensive physical therapy and occupational therapy treatment for 1-2 weeks after their acute stay in order to meet their functional goals for returning home.

After receiving therapy in the hospital, it is a great advantage to easily transition into our outpatient clinics across the street on Sherman Drive in St. Johnsbury and to Industrial Drive in Lyndonville with the same team of therapists. We work closely together with you, to provide a seamless transition of care from hospital to clinic setting.

In both of our clinics we specialize in rehabilitation for all orthopedic injuries and post surgical recovery. We accept referrals and have good working relationships with all doctors and orthopedic surgeons in the Vermont and New Hampshire area.

Regardless of where you have your orthopedic or other type of surgery, you have a free choice to which Physical Therapy clinic you choose for your rehabilitation.

The term “pelvic floor” refers to the group of muscles that form a sling or hammock across the opening of the pelvis. These muscles along with their surrounding tissues keep all the pelvic organs in place so the organs can function correctly. A pelvic floor disorder occurs when the pelvic muscles and connective tissue in the pelvis are injured or weaken. This can cause pelvic pain, hip pain or buttock pain and physical therapy services are often useful to treat the dysfunction.

Our pelvic floor physical therapists treat men and women who suffer from the following conditions:
  • Incontinence (Urine Leakage)
  • Frequent Urination
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Pelvic & Hip Pain
  • Sacroiliac Pain and Dysfunction
  • Vulvar Pain Syndrome
  • Interstitial Cystitis (Bladder Pain)
  • Vaginismus
  • Hypertonus
  • Coccygodynia (Tail Bone Pain)
  • Pregnancy
  • Pre and Post Partum Pelvis or Back
  • Low Back Pain
  • Post- Prostectomy In Men

Lymphedema is a chronic condition in which an abnormal accumulation of protein-rich swelling occurs in the head, face trunk, arms legs or genitals. There are two types of Lymphedema, Primary and Secondary. Primary Lymphedema can be present at birth, develop at puberty or in adulthood. It is often hereditary or a result of deficiency in lymphatic system development. Secondary Lymphedema appears as a result of damage to the lymphatic system often after cancer surgery to remove lymph nodes, with radiation therapy or in combination with venous insufficiency or other medical disorders. The condition causes a feeling of heaviness in the limb, uncomfortable swelling and reduced limb function along with a high risk of infections.

Treatment for Lymphedema consists of Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) which includes manual lymphatic drainage to improve lymph circulation and decrease swelling as well as reduce fibrosis and scar tissue, compression wrapping to improve lymphatic circulation and reduce limb volume, instruction in skin care to prevent infections and reduce the risk of cellulitis and use of long term compression garments for day and night to maintain limb size, use and flexibility.

If you have had lymph nodes removed or surgery affecting your lymph nodes it would be wise to visit us for Lymphedema education and assessment by our certified Lymphedema therapist even if you are not yet experiencing swelling or limitation. Early management can make a big difference in recovery.

For more information about Lymphedema you can contact the following resources:

  • National Lymphedema Network: Visit lymphnet.org for complete information regarding exercise, air travel, treatment, and risk reduction
  • Lymphology Association of North Americaclt-lana.org
  • “Coping with Lymphedema” Diane Sackett Nannery & Joan Swirsky (1998)

Pregnancy & Post-pregnancy Conditioning

Special issues and body changes arise for women during pregnancy, delivery and in the year following childbirth. Changes to the pelvic floor, the low back and abdomen, postural changes due to pregnancy, delivery challenges such as c-sections and after childbirth while breast feeding and carrying a baby.

Our Physical Therapists specialize in providing you the education and strengthening you need to correct any dysfunction, deficits, weakness or overuse you might experience during these special times in your life. They assist you in adapting to lifestyle and body changes, developing a home exercise program that will fit into your lifestyle and supporting you to get back into a pain free, strong body as a mother.

Jennifer Hemond, PT, MPT provides post-partum childbirth education for participants enrolled in childbirth classes at Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital. Please contact NVRH for child birth class dates. 802.748.8141.

Our clinic specializes in making custom fit wrist and hand splints and custom foot insoles called orthotics, designed to support the alignment of your foot.

Our physical and occupational therapists perform a full evaluation of what is needed and our team of fabricators makes your device on site to your unique specifications.

Diagnosis splints might be used for:
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Cubital Tunnel Synrome
  • Wrist Sprain
  • Finger Sprain
  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Median Nerve Palsy
  • Resting Night Splints
  • Sports Injuries
Orthotics can provide support for:
  • Plantarfascitis
  • Pronation of the Foot
  • Heel Pain
  • Sports
  • Back Pain

We offer sports clinic evaluations to elementary, middle school, high school and college students for $30. This includes the evaluation by Ryan Farley, ATC, CEAS-1 and a home program following injury.

Our goal is to see the student within 24 hours of the injury and provide an immediate management plan. If more treatment is needed, we will request a referral from the student’s primary care provider and get them scheduled with a physical therapist for formal treatment.

“Bed-Wetting” Program for Pediatric Incontinence

This program offers an extensive evaluation to children 6 years old and older whom are affected by “bed-wetting”. “Bed wetting” affects 5-7 million US children. Boys are 50% more likely than girls and 10% of 6 year olds continue to wet with spontaneous cure rate at 15% per year after. Research has shown active treatment at the age of 6 can help reduce urinary incontinence. The primary focus of evaluation and treatment is to teach regular bowel and bladder habits with emphasis on complete emptying of the bladder.

Constipation is the number one cause of “bed-wetting”. We will provide you with extensive educational tools and resources of dietary and nutritional factors along with dry-bed training. Dry bed training research has shown 92% cure rate. If you have any questions or feel your son or daughter might be a candidate for these services, please do not hesitate to contact us at our Lyndonville Clinic or obtain a referral via your primary care provider.

  • Do quick movements cause you to lose balance?
  • Does rolling over in bed make you feel like you are falling?
  • Do you have to take a few seconds to steady yourself after bending over?
  • Do you mostly sleep on one particular side of your body at night?
  • Did your symptoms come from seemingly nowhere?

If you answered yes to at least 2 of these questions you may be suffering from a treatable condition called BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo).

Many times people attribute these symptoms to a normal part of aging. This causes people to avoid physical activity, social events with friends and family, and experience a decreased quality of life.

It is important to note that there are many ways an individual can feel “dizzy”. A simple screen by your doctor can rule out serious conditions, and also steer you in the right direction for appropriate treatment options. Physical Therapy has been proven to be very effective at treating certain conditions that cause dizziness.

At Dan Wyand, PT and Associates we have qualified staff trained specifically for the treatment of vertigo, that can help you get back on the right track!

IASTM is a myofascial method using metal instruments designed to improve the health of soft tissue.  From relieving pain from muscle spasms, scar tissue or to just help with increased blood circulation, IASTM is a very common treatment modality used by our providers.

Cupping is an ancient form of therapy where the provider will place a silicone cup on your skin and apply pressure to create a suction effect.  This aids in blood flow, inflammation, relaxation, and as a method of deep tissue massage.  



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